Thailand does Doug

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Watch Your Step

When walking around Bangkok you must be careful where you step. The sidewalks are not built on any sort of foundation, they are simply bricks laid on top of the dirt. Therefore when it rains the bricks and dirt move freely and sometimes sink into the earth after a particularly good storm. It was after one such storm, when the raindrops were the size of softballs, that I adventured out of the hotel in search of a bowl of spicy noodle soup(Num Sup). I was not paying attention and I stepped on a particularly soft patch of earth. The mud and bricks made way for my sinking frame and I soon found myself in an underground cavern filled with travellers of all varieties. They had a wonderful community set-up there where everyone shared what little resources there were. They invited me to join them but I declined because I had nurses waiting for me to teach them english. And I am no communist. So I climbed out and found my soup. It burned my mouth.


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