Morning Duty
Woke up this morning and at 5:45 and almost beat the rooster to breakfast. I don't know where he lives but that SOB can project. After a quick shower I was on the back of one of my officemates motorbike headed to town. We arrived in a busy downtown market and saw dozens of men draped in orange robes milling about form cart to cart. Actually, I say men but the youngest looked to be no more than 10 years old.
If you ever want to present food to a monk first of all don't say you are feeding them, I made this mistake. Pee' Tew, one of the teachers in my office told me, "You feed a baby or an animal, not a monk." After you know what it is you are doing the steps are easy.
Stop at any cart and purchase a or plates of food (depending on how many monks line up for your offering) that included: a small bowl of rice, a small bag of chicken, a juice drink, some fruit, a flower and a couple sticks of inscence. These Monk packs cost about 5-15 baht or 15-45 cents.
Pour the rice into the monk's bowl and place the rest of the food in the satchel slung over his shoulder. Then place the flower on top of the bowl which he will immediatly grab with his hand. The monks are not allowed to touch you, or you may not be allowed to touch them touch them...I am not sure. Once you have given him the flower you Wai him. This is an action that gives him the respect he deserves. When Wai'ing a monk you put your hands together fingers extending towards the sky and thumbs between your eyes. Then just close your eyes and bow your head. Congratulations you have succesfully given alms.
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